Saturday, January 10, 2009

Creating Julia's Garden, Part I

So now that we added the Pixie Leaf, it's time to finish the idea that started almost 4 years ago when we found out that we were having a girl. Let's give her a garden themed room - girly but not too prissy. We started collecting plush flowers and butterflies. I was going to stencil (HA HA) wildlife, flowers and insects. Cute, right? Yeah, right. We ended-up with the child that doesn't like to sleep and doesn't stop moving. So decorating was last on my list.

Then I discovered Uppercase Living and decided to become a consultant. After reviewing and thinking, Steve and I decided on some items...okay, I decided on hundreds and Steve decided which ones were necessary :) Yesterday the first two items arrived - an uplifting saying and 18 fluffy clouds. I'll wait to put the clouds up when all of our critters have arrived. But up went the saying "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly" above her closet.

Tonight she wished her butterflies goodnight. Now let's hope they give us some luck and she sleeps the entire night!

Shameless plug for my Uppercase Living site:

1 comment:

therupps said...

I love the decor in Julia's room! Very creative and looks great!