Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Marriage of Wall-E and Mo

On Friday I had the distinct pleasure of attending the marriage of Wall-E and Mo. Some of you know that I have a love/hate relationship with the movie Wall-E. Julia fell in love with the movie and so the last year we've had lots of Wall-E viewings, as well as Wall-E toys and accessories. I enjoy the quiet that Julia falls under when she watches it. Of all the robotic stars of the movie, Mo is my favorite.

Here are some pictures of the blessed event. Wall-E and Mo were married surrounded by friends and family on the turbo scratcher, donated by the Haney cats.

The giraffe is Mo's mother and the princess is Mo's sister
The large elephant is Wall-E's mom and the smaller one is his sister
Julia shows-off the line of cars, including the car 'cup' for Mo
The entire wedding party, including the wedding planner Julia Haney
It was a gorgeous wedding with tears and smiles. No word yet as to where the honeymoon is; but I'm sure it's somewhere with lots of 'space'. Congratulations, Wall-E and Mo!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Packing for Space

Yes, it's been a long time since my last post. It has been a strange year, but I'm going to try to get back to writing again. So we'll start with a funny post.

During this week's trip to the library, Julia found the "Star Wars Cookbook" and decided to check it out. Then yesterday the Spike channel showed Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI. These elements quickly brought out a very excited Julia. She decided this morning that she wanted to have Chewbacca as a pet. We told her that she had to go out into space to get one and Steve told her that she had to pack because it was a long trip. She then ran up to her room. This should have been the first indication that something funny was happening.

She arrived a few minutes later carrying her overnight bag stuffed full of the items that she would need on her trip. What does Julia need for her trip? Here's the complete list: Gertie Giraffe, Smarkles Cheeta, Other Smarkles Tiger, Jimi Kitty, Mario, taggie blanket, little blanket, Qtips, hairbrush, SHIP cup, strawberry shampoo, chlorine shampoo, Johnson's Oatmeal wash, Tinkerbell box, Star Wars Cookbook, toothbrush holder, Aveeno baby wash, Suave soap, Tinkerbell Pez, Kitty Pez, towel, magic cards and sandals. Here's what it all looks like:

We're not sure if this would exceed the weight limit for a space trip, but we thought it was a pretty good compilation of items. What a creative little girl :)