Monday, January 19, 2009

God Bless the USA

As you can see, election season at the Haney house was a little amusing. However, we kept it civil and the roof is still on the house. Thankfully we have enough respect for each other, and our opinions, to have intelligent conversations about our political views. So yes, it is possible to have a democrat and republican under one roof. Now we just have to work on keeping Julia out of the middle...since she somehow learned to say both "Vote McCain" and "Vote Obama".

So here's wishing all of you a Happy Inauguration Day! And a big thank you to all of our armed forces who fight for our freedom - and the chance to have this day. And a special thank you to our frozen friend, Andy, who is keeping watch over the ceremony. God Bless the USA!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Deep Thoughts, by Julia Haney

Here's a little collection of Julia wisdom from the past few months that we thought we would share -

One night we were watching the movie "Transformers" for the millionth time (we love it). Towards the end when Sam climbs to the top of the building with the cube and then clings to the statue, Julia enlightened us:
J: That's Sam on the building
H & S: Yes
J: He's going to be okay
H&S: That's right
J: He looks like Papa!

Our interpretation: Shia LaBeouf = Steve Haney

Steve and I were cleaning the dishes from dinner one night when Julia was passing out hugs. Since we were both facing the counter, her hugs were from behind. After a few rounds of hugs; Julia hugged Steve and proclaimed "I Smelling Papa's butt!"

Our interpretation: She's been watching the cats way too much

One night my friend Sandy picked me up to go out to dinner with a few friends. During dinner I received a text from Steve. Apparently she told Steve where we really were that night -
"Mama and Sandy are at a party dancing for Jesus"

Our interpretation: Not sure - Longhorn Steakhouse wasn't exactly a dancing inferno

Anyone with a preschooler knows that it is so hard to get them out the door sometimes. They run, they hide and they undress right when you are ready to walk out the door. However there was one response that I will never forget. Picture Julia playing with the Little Tikes Manger Set.

H: It's time to go! Out to the car. Now.
J: No, Mama. I'm playing with Jesus.

Our interpretation: Jesus loves the little children. And Julia loves the little Jesus.

Steve was cleaning the half bath when Julia decided to enlighten him with this lovely story.
J: Papa, I wash my hands to get rid of the germans!
S: You washed your hands to get rid of the germs?
J: Yes, Papa. The germans.

Our interpretation: She obviously doesn't know that she's part German. Oh well.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Creating Julia's Garden, Part I

So now that we added the Pixie Leaf, it's time to finish the idea that started almost 4 years ago when we found out that we were having a girl. Let's give her a garden themed room - girly but not too prissy. We started collecting plush flowers and butterflies. I was going to stencil (HA HA) wildlife, flowers and insects. Cute, right? Yeah, right. We ended-up with the child that doesn't like to sleep and doesn't stop moving. So decorating was last on my list.

Then I discovered Uppercase Living and decided to become a consultant. After reviewing and thinking, Steve and I decided on some items...okay, I decided on hundreds and Steve decided which ones were necessary :) Yesterday the first two items arrived - an uplifting saying and 18 fluffy clouds. I'll wait to put the clouds up when all of our critters have arrived. But up went the saying "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly" above her closet.

Tonight she wished her butterflies goodnight. Now let's hope they give us some luck and she sleeps the entire night!

Shameless plug for my Uppercase Living site:

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pixie Power

As mentioned in yesterday's post, here is Julia's Pixie leaf that arrived on Christmas -
She absolutely adores it and has to show everyone that visits. I just ordered a bunch of stuff from Uppercase Living to add to the garden decor (clouds, flowers, butterflies, lady bugs, dragonflies). Okay, so it's taken me over three years to complete. But she's a busy little girl :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Weapon is Gone!

Today we celebrate the removal of the purple cast. And may it be the last cast we see!

Julia was very excited to see the doctor and say goodbye to her "band aid". We prepared her for more pictures and a loud saw. She was actually well behaved for the entire ordeal - telling Steve and I stories about the exam room "It's a nice room where the doctor sleeps", "I like my room", "This is where the doctor is going to see my band aid", "It needs a pixie leaf" (I'll post about the pixie leaf another time). I even got a "thank you" from the nurse (see Mama Said... for the story of the nurse who loves the Redskins) when he saw my Eagles shirt. The compliment came because the Eagles beat the crap out of the Cowboys last weekend. BIG DEAL down here. Anyway...

She got to wear cool purple headphones as they started the circular saw that removes the cast. She didn't even squeal! It was very loud and even I was a bit nervous. But she watched intently as the nurse sawed down both sides of the cast. As he was cutting it off, he told her that she was the best patient of the day because she greeted him with a great big smile and didn't even flinch when he started the saw.

Then she tried to stretch her arm - immediate screams and tears. We were able to calm her with some gentle touches and hugs. The doctor gave her a clean bill of health but it will take a few days for her arm's muscles to get back to normal. Whew, what a relief.

So our hugs are now cast-free and we aren't in danger of getting pelted by a very hard cast. As much as she tried to be careful with her arm ouchie; we did get a few 'hits'. But Steve and I are very happy to have our snuggle-hugs back :)