Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Bug-a-Boo

This past week was Julia's first 'camp' experience. She went to Grace Children's Learning Center every morning for "Bug Camp" and thoroughly enjoyed herself! Here's what I saw running towards me at Tuesday's pick-up: My little caterpillar! She wore her 'antennae' for the rest of the day until Papa came home :)
The rest of the week she brought home several buggy crafts:

This one is a favorite - her firefly. She is able to hold the string and the wind catches it and it 'flies'! She even took it to my hairdressers to show her how it flies in her floor fan. It's a well loved bug.
We gave the week of Bug Camp two thumbs up!

1 comment:

Mrs. Schaeffer said...

I love the crafts! Adam made a hungry caterpillar from egg cartons one time. I really love the butterfly, too. I always treasure his art when he brings it home. Looks like Miss Julia had a great time!