Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sun and Fresh Air

It's been cold and rainy for the past week here in Virginia. Now I don't mind a rainy day here or there but we're talking 6 days of cloudy, cool, damp weather. That spell finally broke today as the thick clouds turned to wisps and the sun smiled on Northern Virginia.

After school Julia and I (along with Teri and Peter, Sandy and Craig and Mary) picked-up Chick-Fil-A and went to a local park. We had a lovely picnic and then watched the kiddos play and play and play and play. It was wonderful to feel the sun. It was also wonderful to watch the kids run and use their imaginations. I was able to capture two pics on my phone of Julia (and her awesome smile):

Here she is on the 'firetruck' ready to jump down.
Coming down the tube slide (with Peter getting ready to join her).
We all agreed that this was a much needed energy release for all of us. And for me, there was something about the sun and kids laughter that lightened my heart. It's ached for such a long time. But for a few hours it started to feel whole again. And even a few genuine smiles spread across my face. The sun and fresh air were God's band aid for me today.

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