Okay, so this incident happened before she fractured her elbow. I've had the pictures and the story but I didn't get a chance to post. I hope this brings you a warm holiday smile.
The day before we unpacked her Little People Manger Scene that we gave her last Christmas. So it was pretty much new to Julia. Now, I've always been in love with the Little People (even when Eric was a baby) so this is as much fun to me as it is to Julia. It's a great set and I love the fact that it plays "Away in Manger" when you press on the Angel that sits on top of the stable. Every house should have one for the holidays :)
Anyway, as I was curled-up on the couch checking email and finishing my morning cup o' joe the next day; I was able to listen to her play with the set. She was creating a birthday party for Jesus. "It's time for your party" "I going to make a cake" "Do you want to come to the party?" Before I knew it she had taken my decorative snowman and added him to the party. Then she turns to me and says "Have to get ready for Jesus Birthday Party, bye!"

Okay, that's sweet. At least she's listening to her teacher at school. At least she's listening to me as I read her "The Real Christmas Story". But now it gets comical.
I exited the family room and went into the kitchen to clean-up from breakfast. I overheard her in the playroom talking about the party and how she needs to make a cake. As I was cleaning the table she walked up to me and said "Mama, here's the birthday cake for Jesus! I'm ready for the party" And here is what I saw - 

Love the shoes, Julia!
Very cute! I love this age!
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