First I would like to extend a very Happy Mother's Day to all of my Mommy friends. We've been given a very tiring but rewarding job raising little ones to be the best they can be. Here, here!
Mother's Day has always been rather interesting for me. Growing up, I never had a close relationship with my Mom. Picking out cards always drove me crazy since I never felt any of the sentiments expressed by them. I never felt like giving a gift, card or flowers. I just filed it under "Hallmark Holiday" and left it at that.
Don't get me wrong. I did have two very important people in my life that have acted like Moms - Sandy and Nancy. Sandy is the mother of my best friend, Jess, and Nancy is the mother of my globe-trotting friend, Abby. I grew-up in Sandy's house since Jess and I were inseparable since 2nd grade. Nancy I met in high school when I joined the Cornwall United Methodist Church and became friends with Abby. Then I started working for her and her husband at a local bed and breakfast. They discovered that I was actually a hard worker and invited me to work on their farm.
I've learned so much from both of them. Too many items to list. But most important they love me for me. They accept my faults and guide me when I need a little help. They taught me something that I never received at home - unconditional love. Wow, what a gift.
Then I had my daughter, Julia Grace. Named after her great-grandmothers (Julia Marvich and Grace Gibble) she is the light of our lives. As much as she drives me nuts; I love her dearly. When I became a mother I felt that "primal" feeling - protect her at all cost, provide and care for this beautiful gift from God.
It also made me a little confused about my own situation with my Mother. She always said to me "You'll understand when you become a Mom" when she would get into a funk with me (which was almost all the time). But now that I have Julia; I really don't understand. I could never treat Julia the way I was treated. There is something to say about a Mom that can walk away from a heated situation before it becomes a wild fire.
This year's Mother's Day is once again one with feelings of love and thanks to Sandy and Nancy, pride thanks to Julia and sadness thanks to my Mom. It's also the first Mother's Day since I miscarried in February. So I not only have Julia in my heart but the little one that was too good for us and was needed as an angel in Heaven. Talk about a hurricane of feelings.
So, what am I going to do today? Enjoy my family, like I do every time we have a chance to be together. I love Julia and Steve with all of my being. I love the life that we built together and look forward to all the adventures that are coming our way in the future. Thanks you two for making me a happy mother!